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4:30 pm
Past Events
Join the Federal Forecasters Consortium for FFC/2024: The 25th Federal Forecasters Conference.
Inflation: Modelling, Forecasting and Monetary Policy Reactions
Come join us in Halle, Germany, for the 23rd IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop: Inflation: Modelling, Forecasting and Monetary Policy Reactions
FFC/2022: The 24th Federal Forecasters Conference
Renee Fry-McKibbin (ANU) will present “Measuring Global Interest Rate Comovements with Implications for Monetary Policy Interdependence"
Juhee Bae (University of Glasgow) will present "Forecasting with Partial Least Squares When a Large Number of Predictors Are Available"
Live streaming only: Michael Browne (GW Economics Department) will present "Model discovery and forecasting in real time environments"
In person and live streaming: Anne Morse (Census) will present “Simple versus complex forecasting models: thinking through their pros and cons."
In person and live streaming: Ross Doppelt (Penn State) will present "Should Macroeconomists Use Seasonally Adjusted Time Series? Structural Identification and Bayesian Estimation in Seasonal Vector Autoregressions."
In person and live streaming: Julio Ortiz (Federal Reserve) and Constantin Bürgi (UC Dublin) will present "Overreaction Through Expectation Smoothing."
In person and live streaming, Natsuki Arai (National Chengchi University, Taiwan) will present “The Efficiency of the Government’s Revenue Projections and a Political Cycle."