
Tara Sinclair and Dean Wahlbeck sitting and talking on a stage with a CCAS logo behind

Forecasting Our Economic Future

CCAS Dean Wahlbeck spoke with Professor of Economics and International Affairs Tara Sinclair about COVID-19's economic impact and her forecast for what’s to come.

H.O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting

Special Blog Post by Our Spring 2021 Stekler Fellow

Stekler Fellow Tishya Kahar poses the question, does a wider distribution of forecasts predict negative GDP growth?

The New York Times logo

Tara M. Sinclair cited in New York Times Piece on COVID's Economic Toll

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair was quoted by the New York Times in "...

Tara Sinclair

Tara M. Sinclair Becomes Regular Contributor to COVID-19 Economic Outlook Survey

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair is now a regular contributor to the FiveThirtyEight/IGM COVID-19...

The New York Times logo

Tara M. Sinclair Quoted in the New York Times About the Coronavirus and Possibility of Recession

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair was quoted by the New York Times in "Will the Coronavirus Cause a Recession? Keep Your Eye on the Barbershops."

Marketplace logo

Tara M. Sinclair Speaks About Concerns Over Impending Recession

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair spoke on Marketplace about the recent drop in concern about an impending recession.

Tara Sinclair

Tara M. Sinclair Speaks to Economists About Possibility of 2020 Recession

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair spoke at a Society of Government Economists seminar entitled “Probability of the U.S. or World Entering a Recession in 2020.” The seminar was discussed in an...

Prakash Loungani and Tara M. Sinclair Quoted in FiveThirtyEight

RPF member Prakash Loungani and RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair were both quoted by Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux of FiveThirtyEight in Economists are Bad at Predicting Recessions.

The New York Times logo

Tara M. Sinclair Talks to the New York Times About Potential 2020 Recession

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair was quoted by Neil Irwin of the New York Times in How the Recession of 2020 Could Happen.

Reuters logo

Reuters Highlights RPF's Bank Research

RPF co-director Tara M. Sinclair was interviewed by Jason Lange of Reuters in "A few choice words could lead to better central bank forecasts about research" with Jacob Jones and Herman Stekler (RPF...

Forecasting Presentation Archive

Working Papers

All working papers by the H.O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting are available on our Working Papers page or through the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) database.

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